July 20th, 2016

Susan Wild Suggests Adding Jury Duty to Your Bucket List

Have you ever considered adding jury duty to your bucket list? Attorney Susan Wild recently suggested doing just that in her article published in Lehigh Valley Network Magazine.

“One of the questions I am most often asked by friends and acquaintances is: ‘Can you get me out of jury duty?'” Susan goes on to provide some background on her experience in the courtroom, with judges and jury trials. She briefly explains the procedure of picking a jury including what attorneys are looking for and the purpose that jury members serve. “Ultimately…the goal is to have eight or 12 people who are able to hear the evidence in the case without bias or favoritism,” she writes.

So why not try to get out of jury duty? Susan goes beyond the “civic responsibility” of the position to highlight the ethical obligations as a member of our society and the desire for smart, educated people to be involved in the judicial system. Susan concludes that “serving on a jury is a very rewarding, educational and eye-opening experience.”

Read Susan’s full article in Network Magazine’s Summer Issue.

Susan has been practicing law for over 30 years, serving as first-chair counsel for significant trials in Lehigh and Northampton Counties. In addition to defending hospitals and medical professionals in medical malpractice claims, she also covers a wide variety of insurance defense claims on behalf of municipal entities and businesses.


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