Bail Forfeiture Attorneys Lehigh Valley

Bond forfeitures occur when someone fails to appear for their court date. But sometimes, people have legitimate reasons for missing their scheduled appearance. If you need an attorney to explain on your behalf why you weren’t able to make the date, talk to us. We may be able to help.

If the judge does not grant any leeway and issues a bond forfeiture, he or she will issue a warrant. If that’s the case, it’s less expensive to address the bond forfeiture before the county files a civil suit.

Having a defense lawyer at your bail bond hearing means you’ve got someone in your corner speaking on your behalf. Whether your crime is minor or a more serious felony charge, our lawyers are a valuable asset.

Why Choose Us?

Forfeited bonds may sometimes be set aside through bail remission. Depending on circumstances, an attorney can request a bail remission motion. Our lawyers will work with you and the judge to determine whether remission—granted at the court’s discretion—is warranted.

If you weren’t aware of the condition you violated or your violation wasn’t willful, the government wasn’t damaged by the violation—or prejudiced—or did not incur any costs trying to locate you, we may be able to help. Missing just one court date or violating a condition of your release can cost quite a lot of money—and your personal freedom. If you’ve forfeited bail or are in danger of bail forfeiture, we will do what we can to counsel and help you.

Bail Forfeiture Team

View Profile Gross McGinley Allentown Law Firm Attorney Michael J. Blum

Michael J. Blum

Senior Counsel
View Profile Gross McGinley Allentown Law Firm Attorney Robert M. Campbell

Robert M. Campbell

Senior Counsel
View Profile Practice Chair Gross McGinley Allentown Law Firm Sara Hart Charette

Sarah Hart Charette

View Profile

Andrea Figueroa

View Profile Lehigh Valley criminal defense lawyer Philip Lauer

Philip D. Lauer


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